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Institute of Inclusive Education

This is Sharon's research institute that links all her areas of education and research together in the one space.There will be specific focus areas and sections for early childhood education and the new national curriculum areas especially a focus on the Early Years Learning Framework and its links to diversity and Inclusion. There will be a section for teachers and university students and beginning teachers. There will also be a support area for Teacher Aides as well. There will be specific resources dealing specifically with Physical disabilities, Hidden Disabilities and a special literacies area linking Dyslexia and her current research and resources into this fascinating subject area.

A variety of online professional development opportunities will be available very soon through the institute. I will have some one hour sessions with a follow up Q and A session on Dyslexia as well as soon information sessions on the NDIS and it's impact on us all. These sessions will be either education specific or care specific.

As a preferred supplier to PSCQ we can provide training for your early childhood centres and staff especially in the areas of curriculum development and inclusion around the EYLF.

Professional Support Co-ordinator for Queensland (PSCQ), a project set up to support the work of early childhood educators in child-care settings, has engaged us to introduce active learning in about 200 centres by using DDD-style workshops.

Sharon was also on the ministerial advisory early childhood round table group and there are many exciting government supports and initiatives within the early childhood area that are being announced soon. Check out the new government action plan for children with disabilities and their families.

Sharon is also part of ALEA.

Interactive technology and computer hardware and software devices to support learning and life skills will be supported and documented through the Institute of Inclusive Education and Research. This part of the site will be evolving and growing over the next few months. Research papers and topical issues will also form part of the discussion and focus of this Institute. Eventually I would like it to form collaborative partnerships with local schools and educational institutions to really promote and showcase examples of best practice and inclusion.

There are also some good links to various sites going to be collated and listed in this as part of the institute and great ideas and innovations will be examined and reviewed. This is an ongoing and growing process designed to promote inclusive practice and break down barriers across communities.

The first interesting site is the Australian Association of Special Education

Some good resources for disability awareness are available at the Queensland Government library site.